Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Evolution of Gaming Systems...? I'm about to give up on the robots that blogger blames for spamming my blog.

So...I have always wondered why boys find video games so fascinating. For my topic, I want to learn about the evolution of the gaming system. Yesterday I did a quick google search and found that Nintendo in fact, wasn't the first gaming system. A system called Odessy was--and you could see 3 dots on the screen, or something like that...and now today with X-BOX 360 and PS3, one can play with other people around the world, see lifelike figures on the tv and the games are uber-interactive!--It's so interesting!

I think it will be the right size, like I said, I googled it and came up with a ton of responses!
Many things have been said about is a boy phenonemon.?
I'm not sure if it will prompt other questions, but I'll keep thinking : )
I think it will matter to a great many people--maybe we can get a glimpse into the world of gaming and maybe see what so many people find entrancing about it. Why someone would want to spend all day playing video games...minus Guitar Hero (which I admit, I played late into the night over Christmas break!!) Is beyond me! Well, maybe we will include Guitar Hero!

I think I am interested in this topic because it has such a big audience and people are so captivated/addicted by/to it. I always wondered why...When my brother was in the basement playing Halo, I was always trying to be productive or read. I never understood why the gaming system was so intreguing. And what are they doing to improve the systems each time they come out with a new edition?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blogger officially hates me.

Yes, that's right. They won't let me view my other blog so I can't even switch my blogs over to this one!

Well...let us pray that this blog doesn't fall under the category of a "spam blog"!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend:)
